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RYA Youth Sailing - Stage 3 (7-15)

This course is: Youth Sailing Scheme Course - Start Sailing Stage 3 (7-15)

Come sail away with me!

If you would like to learn the skill of Dinghy sailing, no matter what your age there is an option for you at Trafford Watersports Centre, Manchester. We have courses available from as young as 7. So if you either want to fly solo and learn a new skill or rope the whole family in we have something for you.

The aim of this course is to build your confidence and develop the skills needed to sail in different directions in moderate conditions

All courses are accredited and certified by the Royal Yachting Association.

Important Information:

  • The required experience for stage 3 is the completion of the Start Sailing Stage 2 course.
  • Content – this course covers improved rigging, sailing theory, launching, and recovery. Building confidence in a range of sailing techniques on all points of sail and capsize recovery.
  • Certificate issuing criteria is as follows - Able to launch and sail a dinghy on all points of a sail or around a triangle in moderate conditions.
  • All courses run for 2 days from 9am - 5pm. 16 hours
  • Please note we do not provide wetsuits.

2024 Dates:

  • 15th & 16th August

Stage 3

By the end of this course, you will be able to sail in any direction and rig and launch your own boat. Skills you will cover will include sailing upwind and downwind effectively, sailing in close company, coming alongside, having a basic understanding of racing, and being able to complete a capsize recovery in controlled conditions.

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